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두피 각질케어는 물론, 항염, 항자극 효과의 영양성분을 공급하여 두피 건강에 도움을 주고 탈모 증상을 완화시켜줍니다. 모발에 물을 충분히 적신 후, 내용물을 적당량으로 덜어 모발과 두피에 부드럽게 마사지 한 후 씻어냅니다


In addition to scalp exfoliation care, it provides nutritional ingredients with anti-inflammatory and anti-irritant effects to support scalp health and alleviate hair loss symptoms. After thoroughly moistening the hair with water, the content is reduced to an appropriate level and is gently massaged into the hair and scalp before being washed. Yegabee Scalp Care Scalp Shampoo is made up of ingredients such as cow crevice, sucrose extract, etc.







예가비 스칼프 케어 두피 샴푸

₩65,000 일반가

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